At Lightning Bay, we strike the community with a positive force!

At Lightning Bay Companies, we care about our community.

We participate in many charitable events and volunteer to give support to local organizations.

From Home Care to Therapy Dog: Hunter to the Rescue

Pamela Fay, breast cancer survivor, Moffitt volunteer

Crazy dog lady is what some refer to me as, but I am delightfully alright with that title. My dogs helped get me through the toughest fight of my life. In early 2014, when I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, I was 38. Looking back, I cannot believe the strength I had but somehow we all have some super power that gets us through it.

Pamela Fay and HunterChemotherapy took its toll on my body and even hospitalized me at one point but I pulled through with the care and support of my oncology team, husband, family, friends and best of all…my dogs! We have a pack of fur babies, but my black Labrador, Hunter, was always by my side throughout treatment. My four female Dogo Argentinos were equally as supportive and I often had five dogs in bed comforting me. I swear my dogs made the best home nurses.

I saw the pet therapy dogs while undergoing treatment at Moffitt and decided to train and certify Hunter so I could share him with other patients once I was healthy enough. Now, Hunter loves to make patients smile on Wednesday afternoons along with his buddies Amy, Gigolo and Pluto. This volunteer assignment couldn’t be any more perfect for the both of us. I definitely feel my dogs gave me some of the best therapy possible during the worst times imaginable.

Today, I am a one-year survivor and I do what I can to help others faced with this disease. Having cancer was horrible, but it taught me a lot about what really matters. It led me to meet some wonderful people I would not have met otherwise.

Watch LBP’s President, Pamela Fay as she shares her story and walks in the Buccaneers Treasure Chests 5K event below!

Treasure Chests 5k Recap
Stories of Hope: TC5K Journey (Pt. 2)
Stories of Hope: Journey to the TC5K


“Thank you to the entire crew of the USCGC Juniper we appreciate and enjoy working with you. Congrats to the Lightning Bay Pneu-Draulics team on a job well done!”

Mosaic Excellence in Safety Leadership and Performance Silver AwardMosaic Excellence in Safety Leadership and Performance Bronze Award 2017

Lightning Bay Pneu-Draulics was recognized with a Bronze Award for meeting Mosaic’s safety excellence and leadership criteria for one year.

As part of thier relentless pursuit of an injury-free workplace, Mosaic tracks and reports employee and contractor safety performance.

This award recognizes contractors who have embraced the Mosaic safety philosophy and for achieving excellence in safety through demonstrated safety leadership and performance.

Contractors eligible for recognition worked more than 2,000 on-site hours at a Mosaic facility during 2017 and met
established criteria and sustained performance — including no significant incidents or injuries that met or exceeded Mosaic targets, and reporting requirements.

Have an event that you’d like to share? Send us a message and let us know about it!

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